Thursday, April 14, 2011

R O M Y G O L D .

Oh, my! We've just come across ROMYGOLD--and, that's right, we're obsessed. (Do we say that too much? Nay! We really are this time!) With the subtle details and plush leather, what's not to love? They carry a multitude of fabulous shapes, sizes, and colors, but we're down for the clutches + cross-body bags. We absolutely love the details -- the tassles, studs, and zippers--to compliment any style. Okay, we're done talking. Enjoy! x

Um, hi gorgeous!

Dying for this. (faux)Snake is so fab!

 And now, for the grand finale.....
Ta-Da! This is where my next (nonexistent) paycheck is going. Meh, I need a job. --Kait
Psst....we know you all check your facebook religiously. While you're there, head on over to MUST DASH as well as ROMYGOLD! We have this insatiable need to be loved. Liked. Whatever.

What do you think about these bags? Leave us a comment! :)


  1. I love them!

  2. Fell in love with the 5th one! Cool blog, new follower, follow back if you like:)

    Infinite Stylez

  3. I'm loving the first three bags, Great post! I love your blog, I’m following now via Google Friend Connect and Bloglovin! Hope you follow back.

    xx. VLM.
